Love the Results of Microneedling? CBD Skincare Can Help Enhance The Effects

Love the Results of Microneedling? CBD Skincare Can Help Enhance The Effects

Did you know that microneedling was first used in the 1990s in the deep dermis to treat scarring?  Over time, practitioners realized that this treatment was beneficial in shallow depths to help a number of skin conditions.  Now, microneedling is a popular therapy used to improve skin’s texture, as well as to repair, revitalize and restore the skin. 

CBD is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that has a multitude of therapeutic and cosmetic benefits.  This chemical compound, one of hundreds known as cannabinoids, works with the body’s endocannabinoid system to regulate essential functions like immunity, sleep, memory and pain.  But did you know that CBD is a potent aid for your skin’s healing and can take your microneedling treatments to a new level? 

Microneedling creates tiny channels in the skin, prompting the body to respond by healing these microscopic wounds. Effective in reducing the appearance of large pores, slack skin, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, fine lines, scars and acne, microneedling treatments can be performed in as little as 10-20 minutes, often delivering visible results after just one session.  Although comparable to laser treatments in terms of results, microneedling is considerably less expensive and won’t have a negative impact on your skin the way heat-based laser treatments can, especially if you have a darker skin tone.

Since CBD works with the body’s endocannabinoid system, it can regulate its inflammatory response.  CBD activates cell growth and development, as well as triggers the inflammatory response, aiding healing and reducing scar formation, including acne scars.  This is especially powerful when used on problematic skin prone to breakouts.  CBD also reduces the production of sebum, the oil-based substance that can clog pores in the skin and cause acne. 

When you receive a medical microneedling treatment, be it to give your skin a youthful glow, address acne scarring, or reduce pigmentation, it is simple to add CBD to your routine to help enhance the benefits of your treatment.  CBD Elixir from Dp Dermaceuticals is perfect to use on any skin type to maintain calmness in your skin as well as reduce the sensation of pain before the treatment.  CBD Elixir works beautifully to provide relief to skin that has been environmentally or sun damaged, prematurely aged, free radical aggressed or pigmented. 

To use prior to a needling treatment, your face should be cleansed with Tri-Phase Cleanser prior to applying a few drops of CBD Elixir.  CBD Elixir should be massaged into your skin until fully absorbed. Excess CBD should then be wiped off with CliniPrep, spritzing the face with a light coat of CliniPrep one more time before proceeding with your microneedling treatment. 

For post-care relief for your skin after an in-practice microneedling treatment, place a few drops of CBD Elixir with Dp Dermaceuticals’ Vitamin Rich Repair as a stand-alone or under your corrector cream.  The best CBD skin elixir supports skin immunity, detoxification, comfort and recovery as a cannabinoid.  Since CBD is a potent ingredient booster, you’ll see visible results when you combine it with your favorite Dp Dermaceuticals skin care products.

Explore the ways that CBD can enhance both your skin and the effects of your favorite skincare treatments.  The full line of CBD skincare products from Dp Dermaceuticals will give your skin a glow that lasts. 

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