Celebrate Emotional Wellness Month with CBD Calm Balm

Celebrate Emotional Wellness Month with CBD Calm Balm

The change of season is in the air.  Why wait till the New Year to create some resolutions?  Emotional and mental stress can result in a weakened immune system and poor health. So why not take the opportunity during Emotional Wellness Month to make changes that will have a major impact on your overall well being.  

To start, let’s define emotional wellness.  It is the ability a person has to manage stress, as well as process feelings in a way that is positive and healthy.  Making sure we’re getting quality sleep, taking time to exercise and eating a healthy diet are all part of the big picture, but let’s dive deeper to discover the things that will help us maintain a sense of balance in a modern world that pulls us in so many directions on a daily basis.  

When we live with high levels of stress and emotional trauma, our body can respond with physical issues like headaches, ulcers, high blood pressure and chronic conditions like diabetes.  You may not realize that emotions play such a key role in our physical state, but they do.  Feelings start in the brain and are controlled by the release of specific chemicals and electrochemical signals.  These wind their way through our bodies when we’re faced with outside stimuli.  The result? Physical reactions like sweating, a racing heart, or numbness. Early humans were guided by feelings like fear, panic, or happiness, which helped them to survive.  We get to experience both the positive and negative feelings. How we process them helps give us balance and strengthens mental health. 

What can we do during Emotional Wellness Month to help focus on our wellbeing?  One way is to slow down to reflect on ourselves. Make your emotional wellness a priority and if that means saying no to a few requests to give yourself the gift of time to just be, do it. Check in with your feelings.  Are you just plowing through the day, running from one “have to do” to another?  Ask yourself how you’re feeling and take a moment to be still and reflect on how you’re doing, putting words to the feelings. 

Another way to recharge your emotional spirit is to reconnect with family and loved ones.  Our links to others have a profound impact on our emotional and physical health. Take time to call an old friend, have a relaxing dinner with your family uninterrupted by electronic devices and stop to chat with a favorite neighbor. These social connections influence our well being and biology, so strengthen these essential bonds. 

Physically, a CBD calming balm can be an integral way to help enhance your wellness.  CBD Uber Calm Balm from Dp Dermaceuticals is a delicious combination of almond, jojoba and olive oil alongside hemp-derived CBD isolate that hydrates skin while easing tension.  Perfect for the entire body, your skin will feel nurtured.  It soothes the symptoms of Eczema, Acne and Psoriasis. A potent anti-aging ingredient, CBD can help reduce wrinkles. Plus, this CBD calming balm is a fantastic way to give your achy muscles and joints safe and fast relief after a workout. 

Another beneficial product to help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression on a daily basis is CBD Elixir from Dp Dermaceuticals.  This pure, full-spectrum and non-habit forming blend works to create calm quickly when taken under the tongue for systemic absorption.  Non psychoactive, our CBD Elixir provides relaxation for the body, mind and skin.

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