How DP4 Microneedling Can Grow Your Medical Aesthetics Clinic in 2023

How DP4 Microneedling Can Grow Your Medical Aesthetics Clinic in 2023

The demand for microneedling treatments is expected to keep growing by a minimum of 8% per year through 2028. With innovation leading to better client results, the number of people who now request this treatment from their aestheticians has increased.

Growing your medical aesthetics clinic with microneedling requires a commitment to getting the best outcomes for patients. After all, happy clients refer new clients! With a combination of proficient skills and the right equipment, this is something you can improve in the short term. One of the latest technological innovations in microneedling that can expand your treatment portfolio and enhance results is the DP4 microneedling pen

The DP4 microneedling pen  ticks all the boxes as a professional device for treating acne scars, but has also been used by providers all over the world for addressing acne, aging, hyperpigmentation, scars, striae, rosacea, and more.

The DP4 boosts a revolutionary 16-needle cartridge that glides smoothly across the skin, improving client comfort and reducing time spent on treatments. The AOVN™ retention valves prevent skin dragging with a regulated suction release that can enhance the performance of popular skin treatments by achieving greater penetration.


How to Use DP4 with an Infusion Treatment

For optimal results, Dp4 professional microneedling device can be used with an infusion of active substances. Specifically created for microneedling, the Dp Dermaceuticals MG-Collection offers meso-glides for a variety of skin challenges.

The newest addition (2023) includes the addition of MG-EXO-SKIN™. Exosome therapy is part of a highly discussed topic amongst leaders of aesthetics due to its regenerative capabilities. 


The results clients can achieve from receiving microneedling treatments with MG-EXO-SKIN™ is further improved with Dp Dermaceuticals EXO-SKIN™ exosome serum - one of the only exosome serums approved for at-home, daily use.

DP4 Microneedling Pen is FDA-Cleared.

The DP4 is FDA-cleared for reducing the appearance of scars. This can help you confidently and safely expand your service offerings to include this popular treatment.

It offers a dedicated ‘ST’ setting for scar treatment procedures with auto-calibration for speed and depth to visually diminish the appearance of scars. The Dp4 microneedling device is the only one on the market with such a feature, setting your clinic apart from the competition with technology that prioritizes results and client comfort.

How to Incorporate the DP4 Microneedling Pen into Your Practice

The first step to integrating the DP4 pen is by inquiring here. Dp Derm’s knowledgeable team will answer all your questions regarding:

  • Features of the DP4 device
  • DP4’s industry-leading 7-year warranty
  • Benefits of becoming a Dp Derm Authorized Provider, including access to provider-only products, forms, marketing materials and more!
  • The best kit to implement in your practice

Prefer to call us? Call 305-552-0550. We’re excited to hear from you!

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